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How to treat Athlete's Foot: Symptoms and Treatment

What we know about Athlete’s Foot:

Athlete’s foot is a common fungal infection which also goes by the name of Tinea Pedis which is a form of ringworm. The condition causes an itchy, stinging and sometimes burning rash on the skin of either or both feet. It’s been known to affect the tops of your feet and the soles of your feet and heels. The infection usually begins between the toes. your skin may become scaly, cracked or even develop blisters which can cause your feet to smell bad too.

Evaluating Athlete’s Foot:

At Absolute Foot Care before any treatment takes place we will evaluate your feet either from our clinic or in the comfort of your own home. We operate in and around Wolverhampton, Stafford and Shropshire.

To get a better look at your condition we will examine, palpate, probe and trim/thin your tissue to identify whether or not the symptoms lineup with those of Athlete’s Foot. We will also identify any underlying health issues contributing to your condition as you may be more likely to develop athlete’s foot if you have:

Athlete's Foot, Chiropody, Podiatrist,

  • Diabetes.

  • Obesity.

  • A weakened immune system.

  • Tissue damage or wounds on your feet.

However Athlete’s foot is a common condition and estimates suggest that 3% to 15% of the population has athlete’s foot, and 70% of the population will get athlete’s foot at some point in their lives.

How can Athlete’s Foot be treated?

Don’t worry, we can get your feet back into their best condition by providing a treatment that’s suited to your individual symptoms. This may include over the counter topical anti-fungal medications but if that option doesn’t treat your infection we may prescribe topical or oral prescription-strength anti-fungal medications.

If you’re looking for relief in the meantime it’s recommended that you soak your feet in salt water or diluted vinegar to help dry up any blisters. The condition commonly occurs in people whose feet have become very sweaty while confined within tight-fitting shoes so if possible try alternative footwear in the meantime.

For more information or to book a clinic or home visit feel free to get in touch today and either Jane or Dan will be at your service!


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