Corns are a buildup of hard, thick areas of skin and although these hard areas can develop anywhere in your body they’re usually found on your feet, hands or fingers. In today’s article we will be identifying any symptoms and how to treat them to prevent any recurrence!
We can break the corns down into a few sections:
Hard Corns: These tend to be small, hard areas that form where there is bone pressure against the skin, they are usually within a larger area of thickened skin.
Soft Corns: These corns can be identified by a whitish/grey soft and rubbery texture which tends to be found between the toes.
Seed Corns: These corns are small hard corns that usually form on the bottom of your feet.

So, how do corns form?
You may be wondering how corns or calluses form so you can prevent them from occurring in the future.
We’ve identified that repeated friction, rubbing or irritation and pressure on the skin are the main causes. They usually form on the bony or prominent areas of the feet where there is ongoing rubbing against the skin. The hardened layers are actually your body’s way of protecting the underlying skin from the irritation and pressure.
How can Absolute Foot Care help?
In the evaluation stage we will examine, palpate, probe or thin any nails or tissue depending on your condition. If a corn persists or becomes painful despite your self-care efforts we can give you medical treatments to provide relief. We will also advise you on the best footwear, cushioning and padding that may prevent corns from occurring again!
Our treatment of corns will include the removal of the corn and we will help address the abnormal pressure that is causing it to develop. Each activity will be carefully executed depending on each individual condition.
In summary, if you're looking to prevent future problems, these are the simplest and most effective methods.

Well-fitting socks
Comfortable shoes that are not tight around your foot
Shoes that offer support
We will come and evaluate your symptoms in person in the comfort of your own home or at our clinic. We operate within Wolverhampton, Stafford and Staffordshire between Monday to Saturday so contact us with any queries or book an appointment.